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Just like that, our Biden Madness: In-Season Tournament has a champion!

It seems like just yesterday we were comparing VP Kamala Harris’ word salads and ridiculous catch phrases to some of the most embarrassing comments made by our sitting President. After several painful rounds, our tournament came down to two previous reigning champions from the mouth of Biden….

#2 Seed:  The Big Guy singing Happy Birthday to MLK III’s wife and then forgetting her name. “Happy Birthday Dear Valvet…Happy Birthday to you.”


#1 SEED: Our P.O.T.U.S quoting the Declaration of Independence (kind of.) “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by- the – go- you know, you know the thing!”


The winner of Biden Madness: In-Season Tournament goes to a clear fan-favorite…

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by- the – go- you know, you know the thing!”

God bless each and every American who stuck with us this season! If you can’t laugh, you’ll cry folks.