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Democrat Eric Swalwell is denying accusations that he inadvertently expelled a noxious and gag-inducing flatus during a Monday appearance on MSNBC.

Swalwell’s ‘delicate digestive discharge’ occurred midway through an interview with “Hardball” host Chris Matthews – no stranger himself to getting the occasional thrill up (or down) his leg.

Video evidence collected by authorities who are investigating the matter revealed Rep. Swalwell “leaking a little confidential information” midway through comments related to House impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill. 

Viewers noted Swalwell’s apparent expulsion of “Essence dé caca” lasted slightly longer than the Congressman’s Presidential campaign.

Have a gander at the video to enjoy the relaxing tones of Swalwell’s ‘heinie hiccup’ for yourself!

Political experts argue Swalwell’s ‘trouser cough’ just might be the most intelligent thing to emerge from a Democrat on Capitol Hill for the last two weeks!

Hammer and Nigel dig into the digestive details of Swalwell’s ‘Seam Splitter’ on today’s show, 3pm-7pm on WIBC.

In the interim, enjoy this little classic from the archives of YouTube: