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California and New York seem bound and determined to solve their problem with overpopulation by making forcing the most productive and driven citizens into states in the Midwest that aren’t run being ruled by socialist do-gooders.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo gave a head’s up to New York-based entrepreneurs and freelancers that he intends to destroy their livelihood by regulating the so-called “gig economy” into extinction. The threat that should have every rational person within the borders of the Empire State packing their bags was delivered during Cuomo’s “State of the State” address on Wednesday.

“Today’s economy works brilliantly for innovators, shareholders, and billionaires, but it abuses workers,” the Cuomo said confidently without bothering to ask the thousands of New York-based freelancers if they agreed. “This year more than 40 percent of the workforce will be in jobs related to the new gig economy — an economy which has spurred growth and many innovations, but which excludes many workers from the progress of fair pay and benefits.”

Fact – Freelancers benefit from the ability to work the schedule and hours that work for their lifestyle and family obligations.

Fact: The Sequel – Freelancers often make more money on average than traditional employees who are chained to a typical 9-5, 40-hour per-week job with one company.

Fact: The Rise of Skywalker – Freelancers report a greater overall sense of well-being and satisfaction with their careers than traditional employees. 

Fact 3: In 3-D – We’re in the middle of the most robust economy in decades. If gig workers want to give up their lifestyle and join the “chained to a desk” cult, they’re more than welcome to do so.

Ernest Goes to Facts – Freelancers typically enjoy greater financial security than traditional employees because they enjoy multiple income streams.

Conclusion – It’s time to get out of California and New York immediately. Know what I mean, Vern?

Cuomo’s support for economically devastating regulations on gig workers, and the companies that rely on them, comes after California’s disastrous Assembly Bill 5 went into effect on Jan. 1. New York lawmakers (aka. job and income killers) have proposed similar legislation, which Cuomo is now excitedly (and destructively) supporting.

“Too many corporations are increasing their profits at the expense of the employee and the taxpayer. That must end,” he said. “A driver is not an independent contractor simply because she drives her own car on the job.”

Fact: The Remake – We realize you’re getting pressure from the transit union. Governor Soda Tax, but not all “gig workers” drive a car for a living. 

“I think that New York should be looking at what’s happening in California seeing it as a warning sign,” Heritage Foundation economics research fellow Rachel Greszler told FOX Business. “You end up hurting the people you’re trying to help.”

Greszler said AB5 has the potential to drive people out of California — and similar legislation could do the same in New York. California is on track to lose a seat in Congress for the first time in history.

“You’re seeing people vote with their feet,” Greszler said.

WIBC host Tony Katz delivered a brutal commentary about California and New York Friday morning. Click below to check it out.