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We begin this article with the standard disclaimer for you progressive PC keyboard warriors: The reporter is fine and survived without injuries. That means we can laugh about it now. Also, let’s go, Brandon!

On we go…

In yet another shining example of the deterioration of competent drivers on the road, we are proud to present this historic video of Tori Yorgey, a TV reporter for NBC affiliate WSAZ  in Huntington, West Virginia.

Yorgey was reporting at the scene of a water main break in Dunbar when she was hit by a nitwit in an SUV.

“Oh my God. I just got by a car, but I’m okay!” Yorgey exclaims.

Pro-Tip: If you happen to get hit by a car sometime, NEVER say you’re “okay” – especially on camera. You want to maximize your chances for a large settlement. This is your big moment, so don’t blow it!

H&N’s Best Practices For Getting Hit By A Car:

  1. Lie down on the street and moan loudly while rolling your eyes in an upward direction.
  2. Gasp for air to create the illusion that you’re experiencing difficulty breathing.
  3. Intermittently pretend to lose consciousness.
  4. For added effect, evacuate your bowels.

This video of Ms. Yorgey is a textbook example of what NOT to do.

“You know that’s live TV for ya!” Yorgey says, further diminishing her odds of a settlement. “It’s all good! I actually got hit by a car in college too just like that. I am so glad I’m okay!”

Unbelievable. Yorgey actually has some real-world experience with getting hit by a car and she STILL failed to follow standard personal injury protocol.

Total disgrace.