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(Albert L. Ortega / Contributor / Getty Images)

Allow us to introduce you to Blaire White, a well-known American YouTuber and political commentator with a growing fan base of Trump supporters.

Describing her beliefs as center-right, Blaire is a critic of third-wave feminism, activists viewed as social justice warriors and activist movements like Black Lives Matter. 

Blaire WHite

There’s one more thing you should know about Blaire White that will likely surprise you: she’s a biological male who lives as a female.

Guys, take a moment to process your feelings. Yes, her photos are legitimately hot.

Overall, the transsexual community isn’t exactly the most pro-Trump group of men and women in America, but Blaire isn’t shy about her beliefs.

The Chicks on the Right sat down with Blaire for a long discussion on the latest episode of “Mock and Daisy’s Common Sense Cast.” Find that episode HERE.

Of course, the Chicks couldn’t help but put Producer Rob to the test after their chat with Blaire, so they showed Rob a few pictures to see if he fancied her. Find out what happened in today’s edition of Speedround.