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This sounds like a knock-off SNL skit, but we can’t make this stuff up. A couple has been reunited with their cat after they accidentally shipped it to Amazon.

A local couple in Utah is making headlines (and not for usual Utah things.) Carrie Clark and her husband was shocked to hear their missing cat was in California… and arrived by snail mail.

Clark said her cat had gone missing in April and after nearly a week of searching around town she received a text message notifying the cat, Galena’s microchip had been scanned. A veterinarian from California called later to notify her that Galena was found in an Amazon warehouse.

They found that the cat had taken a 6-day trip inside an Amazon package Clark sent out for return. The owner said, “I didn’t believe her at first and thought it was a prank.”

Clark discovered Galena got inside an oversized box that contained five pairs of steel-toed work boots. Unknowingly, they boxed her up inside and sent her away!

Despite the cat being without food or water for six days, Galena was okay. She was a bit dehydrated, but other than that complexly normal and unharmed.

As we know, this is easy to do. After all, remember when Aunt Bethany wrapped her furry friend up for Christmas??


Needless to say, cat’s really do have nine lives.