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Okay ya’ll, we debated about whether this Andrea Renee lady is legit or a troll all morning. We kept thinking, “there’s no way that anyone can be this batcrap crazy.” We were wrong. It’s totally legit.

Some young woman on Tik-Tok – the evil video platform owned by China – who claims to be a teacher (God help us) cries her way through reading a Trump fundraising email. The email states that supporters of the President are considered “Trump’s Army” and will receive “a limited-edition camouflage ‘Make America Great Again’ hat if they contribute to his campaign.

The woman goes on to draw comparisons between MAGA hats the yellow badges that Jews were forced to wear during the era of Nazi Germany. She concludes from the email that Trump must be planning another Holocaust.

Check it out:

Seriously, ya’ll. We really need to expand services at mental health clinics for these people.

Not surprisingly, the video went viral and garnered more than 35 million views. Once Andrea Renee realized that she was becoming famous, however, she set the video to ‘private.’

So, is she legit? Absolutely. What troll sets a viral video to ‘private?’ What do you all think?