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President Joe Biden, aka “Brandon, aka “The Big Guy” has the ‘Rona. Fortunately, his symptoms are mild, so the risk of Kamala Harris becoming President is very low, say experts.

What IS at risk, however, is Biden’s love of savoring the pleasing aroma of children. Smell loss is a common symptom of Coronavirus infection. That reality is undoubtedly taking a toll on the President’s spirit at this crucial time.

Biden And Smelling Kids: Is There Hope?

Fortunately, advances in medical science offer President Biden some hope of returning to his normal creepy ways should total smell loss occur. In addition to steroids, the President could undergo olfactory training — a procedure that many rhinologists compare to physical therapy for the nose.

Olfactory Training For Creepy Dudes Who Smell Kids: How It Works

Individuals are instructed to sniff a sequence of four essential oils, deeply inhaling each one for 15 seconds while concentrating on their memory of the corresponding smell. They repeat the procedure twice a day over the course of months.

With discipline, practice, and consistent encouragement, Biden could resume sniffing random children without their consent ahead of any “back to school” visits for the 2022-23 season.

Hammer and Nigel have more details on President Joe Biden’s courageous battle against Coronavirus in the clip below.