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Yes! Let the joyous old news be spread: Toys “R” Us is no longer dead!

Many Americans fell into a deep depression in 2018 when the glorious toy store went bankrupt and closed all its locations.

The problem at the time was that although everyone LOVED Toys “R” Us like a beloved member of the family, no one loved shopping there anymore. Why did it happen? Because Amazon offered all the toys you could possibly want to acquire WITHOUT the inconvenience and unpleasantness of leaving your house. Plus, Prime members get free shipping!

But take something completely unwanted away from a sentimental public and a transformative lustful desire for that which they can no longer enjoy will inevitably emerge.

That’s the story of Toys “R” Us, which was acquired by another struggling American empire: Macy’s.

Toys “R” Us got a new lease on life last year thanks to Macy’s partnership when the two companies agreed to sell toys on Macy’s website and opened shops-within-shops at 400 department stores across the country. Toys “R” Us products have been available on Macy’s website and since last August.

Will this crafty plan to save Toys “R” Us work? It already is. Macy’s said in its first-quarter earnings report that its toy sales were 15 times higher than the comparable period prior to the partnership – Bidenflation notwithstanding.

As of now, there are no plans for standalone stores to make a comeback nor will “Geoffrey the Giraffe” – preferred pronouns: He, Him, His.

Now, what about Children’s Palace?