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Get the keg tapped! Put the beer on ice! Initiate the Joe Biden reanimation procedure! The President’s highly-anticipated State of the Union is just hours away!

Yes, Americans from coast-to-coast are barely able to contain their excitement ahead of Grandpa Joe’s big speech Tuesday.

Fun Fact: That gif just made Nigel gag.

And Americans should be excited. After all, Joe Biden is the most popular President in U.S. history! He got 81 million votes!

And here’s what that 81 million “riding with Biden” votes got us:

  • Full energy dependence on foreign nations INCLUDING Russia!
  • A wide-open Southern border that can be crossed with ease and lack of interference from meddling Federal agents.
  • Increased access to fentanyl!
  • Extraordinary levels of runaway inflation that haven’t been achieved since the late 70s!
  • $4 per gallon gas WITH Costco discount!
  • And most impressive of all: a national gender strategy!

Astonishingly, there are those among us who regret their vote for our esteemed President. This is where it’s helpful to get the perspective of American Border Czar, Kamala Harris:

This might be the most sensible collection of sentences to emerge from Harris’ mouth yet: Biden voters “got what they asked for.”

Hot Take: Maybe Kamala should deliver tonight’s SOTU instead of Biden – not just because Biden has dementia, mind you, but because Harris knows how to take extraordinarily complex issues and break them down into the language of simpletons.

Take the crisis in Ukraine, for example. It’s confusing as hell for most people, but not Kamala Harris:

Hey, side note: Now that we’re on the verge of World War 3, what do you say we ditch the masks?

So what should Americans expect to hear from the President in tonight’s State of the Union address? Hammer and Nigel spoke with GOP Director of Strategic Communications Gates McGavick to find out.