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Presumptive Democrat nominee for President Joe Biden is has been hitting the campaign trail hard these last few weeks (from his basement). As a result, interviews with legitimate journalists have not been his top priority.

But Joe leaped at the opportunity to garner a few votes from the black community by having a sit down with celebrity, musician, and proud expeller of flatulence, Cardi B.

Yes, Cardi B. is perhaps the most prolific maker of a** gas in American history. Take a look at the following selections from the Time-Life collector’s edition of “The Best of Cardi B. Breaking Wind.”

And we even have a highlight from the exclusive bonus DVD, “Cardi B. Has a Bowel Movement While Cursing Incessantly!”

Yes, that is who Biden decided to grant an interview. No word on whether flatulence was exchange as well as words.

Tip for Cardi: You want respect? Lose the 24″ nails and quit farting on camera.

The Chicks on the Right have all the best moments of Cardi B.’s interview with Biden in the clip below.