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(Michael Hickey/Getty Images)

Purdue students in attendance at a comedy show by comedian Andy Gross left in tears after they say Gross sexually harassed a female at the University’s student orientation. 

On Saturday, Aug. 18, Andy Gross performed at Purdue as part of their freshman orientation, called the Boiler Gold Rush (BGR). 

“He started making sexual harassment jokes and doing some really provocative stuff,” freshman attendee Eric Williamson told a local news affiliate. 

“[Gross] made her touch his leg and he made jokes about, ‘go Purdue,’ like this is what we’re here to do and that’s what we’re supposed to do,” freshman Raymie Shooe said. “And that’s when everyone started getting up and saying they were uncomfortable with things.” 

WIBC host Tony Katz commented on the ‘scandal’ Monday:

“They’re looking to be insulted. They’re looking to be offended. And what did Andy Gross do? He gave it to them. Know your audience… know your audience. But don’t perform on college campuses, because the environment is hostile to free speech and students have a victim mentality.” 

Click the link below to hear Tony’s full commentary: