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Winter is coming – which means cold weather. But no matter how much hot tea you drink, how many sweatshirts you put on, or how fuzzy the blanket you sleep with is, if your furnace isn’t working correctly you’re most likely going to be feeling and looking like this:

spongebob freezing

Now who would want that? No one. Which is why you don’t want your furnace going out in this kind of weather.

Here are a few easy tips to be sure your furnace is ready for what Mother Nature has in store:

1. Look at your furnace filter. If it looks the least bit dirty change it today. A dirty filter is responsible for so many furnace problems. Don’t risk it with sub-zero temps coming.

2. Some furnaces have door safety switches that can create a heating call-in. If you have to take the door off to get to the filter then make sure the door switch is pushed in when you put the door back on.

3. Make sure the thermostat is on. This sounds simple, but it happens a lot. The switch gets turned off and homeowners forget. Then they call for help and the answer was that easy.

4. If you have a PVC vented furnace most times they come out the back or side of the home…these have to remain clear from leaves and snow. With all this snow coming, the outside PVC pipe or pipes could get covered up. Keep those pipes clear. Best to head outside this afternoon to be sure you’re set.

5.  If you find yourself in need of help, call Howald Heating, Air Conditioning and Plumbing. They’re available 24-7 if you find yourself out in the cold.
