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A man pours himself a large glass of whiskey.

Source: (photo: Ivan-balvan/Getty Images)

Based on the research data, Indiana’s favorite alcoholic beverage is whiskey.

In a new study by Consumer Affairs, they determined the most popular alcoholic mixed drink in every state and Indiana’s signature cocktail is the Hoosier Heritage because of a contest held by the Indiana State Museum in 2015 that named it as the state’s “unofficial” cocktail. The drink’s ingredients include Knob Creek Rye Whiskey, maple syrup, lemon juice, and apple cider. The alcohol base of Knob Creek rye whiskey is in honor of Abraham Lincoln, who moved to Indiana in 1816 from Knob Creek Farm in Kentucky.

More Indiana Drinking Statistics:

  • Based on Google Trends search data, Indiana’s favorite alcoholic beverage is whiskey.

  • Indiana is ranked #44 for its low alcohol excise tax rate at $2.68 per gallon.

  • Indiana ranks #35 for its alcohol consumption rate at 2.32 per capita.

Click here to view the full report and a detailed description of the most popular alcoholic beverages by state, including more drinking statistics.

How did we find this data?

We looked at Google Trends data to find the most popular alcoholic drinks by state and considered local ties for signature cocktails. We used the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s April 2023 report to find each state’s consumption data and the 2021 Distilled Spirits Council data to find each state’s alcohol excise taxes. Click here for a more detailed methodology of our findings.