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It was another violent weekend in Indy, this time involving several children.

On Saturday night, around 11:30pm, seven kids between the ages of 12 and 17 were shot at the Circle Center Mall. IMPD say they believe more than one young person participated in the shooting.

All victims are stable as of Monday.

IMPD Chief Chris Bailey spoke to the press about the incident, expressing the IMPD’s frustration with the trend of violence especially with younger people.

“We all need to look in the collective mirror and find out what more we can do to try and prevent these things from happening. I will say this: it starts at home. Someone or some persons impacted a lot of lives tonight.” 

Rev. Dr. Charles Harrison spoke with Hammer and Nigel show about the weekend and echoed that Hoosier parents need to do better.

“We have to talk about the elephant in the room… we are not really dealing with the issue of parenting or lack of parenting…Too many of these parents no longer have boundaries and curfews when it comes to their children, they allow them to do whatever they want.” 

Harrison adds that parents must take accountability, it’s not fair to the community, the police, or even the children.

“It is not the responsibility of law enforcement or community groups to babysit and raise these kids in public… the parents have to be responsible for their children.”

Listen to the full conversation with Rev. Dr. Charles Harrison: