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Tony’s report today was from the Ghetto Fighters’ House, a museum dedicated the the Warsaw uprising. It is the first museum dedicated to the Holocaust in history, and is created by Holocaust survivors.

Tony’s thoughts regarding the ongoing calls for cease fire by the Western Left:

When you call for a cease fire, have you ever asked yourself, “what happens next?” … There is no questioning “What does it mean: cease fire?” All they know is it’s something to say and it means you’re a good person. They never think,  because thinking is the violation. And to violate this ‘feeling good’ that other people tell you’re a good person because you said this thing is more than they can do. We’re the thinkers. And because we think, we sometimes come to different ideas, different thoughts, different ways of  handling things, and that can lead to arguments. And that’s why they’re always in lockstep, and we’re always having a discussion. Because we are indeed thinkers.

Listen to the discussion in full here:


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