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A caller alerted Guy to stories about State Police knocking on doors of soldiers after being diagnosed with PTSD from a medical physician. This used to be a blue state issue only, but now it’s creeping into other states according to the caller.

Guy provided a background to when and where soldiers diagnosed with PTSD began having their 2nd Amendment rights violated. It all begins with the Brady Act, and the ‘Mentally Defective’ clause found here: R47626 (

The Obama Administration took the position that if you had PTSD, and had received a disability rating, that meant that you had been ‘adjudicated’ to be ‘mentally defective’ and in other words being a ‘danger to yourself or others.’ … PTSD affects different people in different ways. But you can have PTSD and not be a danger in any way shape or form to yourself or anybody else, it’s just debilitating.

Law abiding citizens are being deprived of their constitutional rights without due process. A medical diagnosis is not the same as an adjudication in court, where an individual has the protection of due process, including the opportunity to present his own evidence to prove that he is not “mentally defective.”

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