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Trump was fired up this weekend calling out his fellow GOP competitors and President Biden.

The former president continued his campaign trail in Erie, Pennsylvania Saturday evening. Trump took a (very quick) break from bashing DeSantis to focus on the President.

While in mid-rant over the Biden administrations’ failed border policies, Trump made a point to call out the big guy himself.

“’We have somebody that’s not at the top of his game, never was at the top of a game, never was. We have a guy who is a dumb son of a b****.”

He continued to mock Biden, calling him ‘crooked Joe Biden.’ Trump slammed the entire Biden family, stating the “Biden Crime Family” needs to be held accountable. He blamed fake news media for ignoring the faults of the president and instead turning the country against him.

Trump let the crowd know his indictments are an attack on the American people.