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Are you a person of great importance and influence? Are you renowned the world over for your tremendous contributions to society? Do kings, politicians, and/or dignitaries such as Kim Kardashian seek your company?

Chances are, “No!” Also, “No!” And finally, “Absolutely no!”

In fact, studies show that over 99% of eligible persons on this planet are completely unimportant and unnecessary for us to survive as a species.

Die tomorrow and few would notice, friend – unless, of course, you die alone in a low-rent apartment with a poorly functioning HVAC unit in the dead heat of summer. Under that specific set of circumstances, the pungent aroma of your rotting corpse will eventually alert persons who live near your unit that the building has a new vacancy! A little paint and some fresh carpet and she’ll be ready to go. So send those referrals your landlord’s way. It could earn you a 5% discount on next month’s rent!

Yes, you really don’t matter all that much. And therefore, you’ve probably never flown on Air Force One or Marine One. That’s for important people, and we’ve already established that you’re probably not one of those.

Do you know who is important? Ben Stein! He’s a writer, lawyer, actor, comedian, economist, and game show host. And here’s the really infuriating thing: he’s achieved success beyond the reach of mere mortals in every single one of those professions.

What have you done with your life, dear reader? Jack squat, that’s what! Ben Stein is a legend! You? Not so much.

But because Ben Stein is a legend of great importance, he’s flown on Air Force One and Marine One – multiple times! Further, Ben inexplicably likes Rob Kendall. Therefore, he’s willing to spend his precious time telling us lesser creatures all about flying with Presidents!

So click below and listen in. Many thanks and God bless.