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We hear it from Republicans all day long…

“Joe Biden is a moron!”

“Joe Biden is an idiot!”

“Joe Biden couldn’t find his way out of a 600 sqft studio apartment without Kamala leading him on a doggy leash!”

Gosh, that last one was rather specific, wasn’t it?

Yes, all of the above statements about “Befuddled Biden” are arguably true. The most outspoken among us yell it from the rooftops of social media. Others, however, are more reserved in their disdain for Grandpa Joe (Jill Biden, for example).

But take heart, weary patriot. Every person on this earth has one special talent – one “gift” that sets them apart from the pack and makes them unique. Our president is no exception.

Joe Biden’s talent? He does incompetence better than anyone on the face of the planet. Incompetence is where he excels the most. Incompetence is his jam, baby! He does naps pretty well too.

Joe’s latest demonstration of his special gifting took place on Tuesday of this week. The president was waxing poetic about the horrific damage and loss of life from Hurricane Ida when he informed his “riveted” audience that the term “tornadoes” has unofficially been retired and Nevada is in the middle of the country!

Rest easy, America, secure in the knowledge that over 80 million Americans willingly voted for this man.

Mock n’ Rob offer their insight on Hurricane Ida displacing the state of Nevada in the clip below.