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INDIANAPOLIS — A man from Wisconsin man needs help finding a Super Bowl ring he last saw in Greensburg.

It’s been a tough week for Mike Kostelnik and his family. He said he hasn’t slept since Feb. 21, when he lost the Super Bowl ring.

It belonged to his father, Ron Kostelnik, a former Green Bay Packer defensive tackle. It’s a family heirloom he wears daily.

Now people hoping to help have been reaching out to him on social media. He said he can’t believe the power of the internet.

“I’m not proud to be going viral because of an embarrassing situation, but I am very pleased and kind of taken aback by the amount of people who have graciously moved this story forward,” said Kostelnik.

Mike has spent the past week mentally retracing his footsteps, starting with his trip to visit his daughter at Indiana University in Bloomington. Then on his way to visit Miami University in Ohio, he stopped at a BP gas station in Greensburg, which is the last moment he remembered seeing the ring.

“We ended up going back to Greensburg. It was not at the gas station,” said Kostelnik.

Mike’s father wore the ring every day until he died in 1993. He left the ring to Mike, who has worn it every day since. Now that it’s gone, he feels like a piece of him is missing, too.

“I got married in that ring. That’s actually my wedding ring,” said Kostelnik.

Mike is giving out a $5,000 reward, no questions asked, for its return.

“On the other side, it has his uniform number 77 and it has his name on there as well,” said Kostelnik.

He has hope the ring will be returned to him where it belongs.

“Any type of difficult times I would have faced. It’s nice to reflect back and have that ring close to me,” said Kostelnik.

The local police are aware of the situation. If you find the ring and want the reward, you need to contact a representative from the Packer Hall of Fame by calling 715-252-9364.

(Story by WISH TV’s Logan Gay)