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Photo Credit: Getty Images. Glenn Koenig / Contributor.

Even though the Christmas spirit has melted away, everyone loves a good Christmas Cacti blooming in his or her living room. The red and pink buds can really brighten a gloomy winter Indiana day. Many people have kept this hardy plant alive for years; some families have passed it down for 100 years! No pressure.


Weather you want to break the world-record or just have a nice plant to look at in your home this winter, here are some quick tips on keeping your Christmas cacti in bloom.



You may be thinking, since it’s a tropical cactus it really doesn’t need watering. However, this cactus can dry up and wilt. The good news is that they don’t need much watering. Check your plant’s top inch of soil weekly. If the soil feels dry to the touch, water thoroughly so that the water will start to drip through to the plant tray.


Pruning and Fertilizing

No need to worry about pruning or fertilizing this time of year! In the winter, just let the cactus do what Mother Nature intends. If you are a bit hesitant, some succulent fertilizer shouldn’t hurt it. Pruning is only recommended if you plan on keeping the plant year-round. Usually in June is when you would do this.



This is the key to a beautiful bloom. Put your cacti in a location where it will get 6-10 hours of indirect sunlight. At night, they need to be in a darker area for roughly 14 hours. That’s not too hard to do since the days are much shorter this time of year.


Not blooming? Could be the following….


It’s dried up.

Keep your plant away from any drafts. Check to see if any heat vents, fireplaces, or other sources of hot air are hitting it.



Keeping the cacti in a warm area, 60-70 degrees during the day and 50-55 during the night should help.



Sometimes just some more sun during the day is all it takes to wake up your cactus. Placing these guys by a window is always a good spot.


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