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INDIANAPOLIS–Planning for field hospitals is a good idea, said Dr. Thomas File, president of the Infectious Disease Society of America. Indiana state health commissioner Dr. Kris Box said Wednesday that the Army Corps of Engineers is helping Indiana plan for field hospitals in case they are needed.

“I think the importance of preparing for field hospitals is the consideration if we have a great surge and we need to have these types of facilities to care for all of the patients that may come,” said File.

LISTEN: Dr. Thomas File explains the possible surge and the need for planning

He said a surge could easily overwhelm the health care system.

“We hope that that doesn’t happen, but we have to be prepared for the worst.

File said the possibility of reducing the surge or “flattening the curve”, lies with practicing social distancing, staying at home and frequent hand washing.

“I do believe that social distancing and hand washing is working,” he said. “If you look at states where they have instituted these policies very early, they seem to be somewhat less impacted by this at this point in time.”

File said he believes you can put some faith in the numbers that are projected, numbers that indicate a surge and that a peak will occur sometime between mid-April and mid-May.

“These are based on a variety of mathematical models and these are projections. But, I think these are the most accurate projections we have.”

File said again, that social distancing, hand washing and staying at home are the best ways to keep the peak lower and make it happen sooner.