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Many snow-birds are off to the south for winter, but before you pack up we have a few suggestions to keep your house in shape while you’re away.


1. Turn off your main water supply                                                            

To avoid any leaks when you’re gone, make sure you turn off your main water supply.

For wells: C&J Wells suggests you turn off the breaker, turn on an outside spigot, and drain the pressure off the plumbing.

2. Install Timed Lights

Timed lights is an easy security measure to take before you leave. Timers and motion sensors are fairly inexpensive and easy to find at any home supply store. Lighting up different rooms and areas of the home will give the illusion that someone is home aka a way to scare any robbers away! For outdoors, install some flood flights if you haven’t already for the same effect.

3. Adjust Thermostat

You may be tempted to turn the heat off to save on electricity, but don’t! You’ll want to keep your heat on around 50-55 degrees to keep your pipes from freezing while you’re gone.

4. Take Care of the Houseplants

If you don’t have neighbors or family checking in, you may want to invest in some self-watering planters. You can also try self-watering sticks if you don’t want to move to another planter.

5Clean Your Drains

Pour some drain defense down the small drains in your home to get rid of all the gunk that was collected during the holiday season. That way when you come back, you won’t run into any smelly situations.

6Unplug all electronics

Even if they’re not on, electronics will run up your electricity bill. TVs, microwaves, etc. they need a break too! Plus, it helps prevent any electrical fire possibility.


Now go off and enjoy your warm weather while the rest of us dream to be you someday!


(Photo: Getty Images. Construction Photography/Avalon.)