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Purdue in Indy


INDIANAPOLIS — Purdue University’s board of trustees approved the first new building on its Indianapolis campus, a $187-million, 248,000-square-foot Academic Success Building.

This facility will have classrooms, laboratories, dining areas, and dorms for nearly 500 students and will become Purdue’s central hub in Indianapolis.

The building will be located on Michigan and West Streets, on land Purdue plans to develop into its new campus.

Purdue University’s Indianapolis campus project is getting some funding, about $60 million, from taxpayers through the Indiana General Assembly. They’re using this money to start construction in February 2025 and plan to finish by May 2027.
This effort is happening because, after the split between Indiana University and Purdue University, IU held onto the buildings at IUPUI, leaving Purdue to build its campus from scratch.

To fill the gap, Purdue leased most of North Hall, an IUPUI dorm, with the option to buy it.

Additionally, Purdue is leasing 400 beds at Lux on Capitol, an apartment complex near campus, and five IUPUI buildings for classes and research.

This new campus construction aligns with Indianapolis’ redevelopment of Indiana Avenue. Historically, the area was a hub of Black culture before IUPUI’s development displaced many Black residents.

Purdue is collaborating with the city to support the avenue’s redevelopment and intentionally planned its first building away from Indiana Avenue to allow the redevelopment process to guide its campus development.

Purdue’s executive education program will be housed at High Alpha in the Bottleworks District and have facilities at Elanco Animal Health’s new headquarters and the 16 Tech Innovation District.