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Henry Holcomb Dies

Source: Governor Holcomb

INDIANAPOLIS–Indiana’s First Dog Henry Holcomb has died.

In a statement posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Monday night Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb described Henry as “more than a family pet to me.” Henry was a schnauzer. He was 13 years old.

First Lady Janet Holcomb also issued a statement Monday night.

Here is a portion of the statement:

“We are profoundly saddened by this loss, but memories of sharing our very special boy with his thousands of fans and followers will forever bring smiles to our faces, and joy to our hearts.

From the very first day we met him, Henry captured our hearts with his expressive face, his sweet snuggles, and his sassy attitude.  Since that day, Henry has seldom been more than six feet away from me, and it often seemed his primary goal in life was being part of my shadow.  When he wasn’t with me, he was with Eric.  Henry attended countless meetings, interviews, and waited patiently and quietly under the table during official state dinners.  He participated in dozens of parades, visited every corner of the state, and knew how to find his dad’s office in the statehouse without human assistance,” said the First Lady.

The Holcombs also said they are impressed with Henry’s toughness because fought through a dog attack, various surgeries, and illnesses.

“In his thirteen years, Henry made thousands of friends, with the littlest humans often being some of his favorites.  For the wedding of two very special friends and dog sitters, he served as ring bearer, walking down the aisle by himself while dressed in a handsome tuxedo,” the statement continued.