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As left-wing virtue-signaling has reached fever-pitch in our society many people are seeking nothing more than sweet escape from the mundanity of politics. Sadly, however these political overtures have even infiltrated your favorite escapist entertainment media because truly, nothing is sacred.

Recently one of the biggest names in gaming, Bethesda Studios, have released their biggest single player role-playing game in the last decade: Starfield. A game centered around exploring the furthest reaches of space should transport you far away from current-day politics and yet left-wing California values have weaved their way into this game as well, forcing gamers to pick their pronouns as part of character creation. This has caught the ire of many in the gaming community, perhaps none moreso than “Heelvsbabyface” on YouTube who had a meltdown of epic proportions about the virtue signaling woven into the narrative.


(Heelvsbabyface’s YouTube rant explained)


It’s so important for the Left to force these messages into your media that even the gaming platform Nexus Mods has *banned* mods to this single-player experience which would remove the pronoun option from the game. You can hear more details covered on this segment of Saturday Night on the Circle with Ethan Hatcher.

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