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Jill Biden at Westfield

Source: WISH-TV 

First Lady in Westfield: Never Underestimate Your Power to Help, to Hope, and to Heal

WESTFIELD, Ind.–When First Lady Dr. Jill Biden went to Westfield High School Wednesday, she got to see a student organization centered around suicide prevention called Robbie’s Hope.

On a national level, that organization not only focuses on preventing suicide, but also preventing other stigmas surrounding mental health.

Biden said she is happy to see more attention paid to the mental health of young people, but she said more can be done.

“There still are some students whose sadness just sits behind their smile. They may be wrestling with anxiety or feeling isolated,” said Biden.

Biden teaches English and Writing at Northern Virginia Community College. She says she saw many students feeling that way, especially after the pandemic.

“This job as an educator really isn’t a job that you can walk away from at 3:15 in the afternoon. Even at night, you’re wondering about what you could have done better. When I saw students struggling, I thought about more ways to engage my students. I had them start talking about the relationships they have with people in our lives. Then we try to figure out how we can reach out to our friends, families, and even strangers,” said Biden.

Biden says when people share ideas, that can cause a positive ripple effect.

“When one person begins to share and others join in and other stories spill out, then suddenly our community becomes so much stronger than anyone of us alone,” said Biden.

She also believes Indiana has been a great partner in the federal efforts to help young people in this mental health crisis.