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Attorney General Curtis Hill


STATEWIDE–You might have heard about some places in the U.S. reinstating mask mandates with COVID infections increasing again. Republican Candidate for Indiana Governor Curtis Hill is not a fan of that.

Some of those include a film company in Los Angeles, a hospital in New York State, and a liberal arts college in Atlanta.

In a news release he sent out Tuesday, Hill said he would not require people in public universities, businesses, government offices, or churches to wear face coverings.

“We learned a lot in the aftermath of the pandemic in 2020. The key takeaway is that government-imposed sanctions on our personal liberties do more harm than good,” said Hill in a Wednesday morning interview with 93 WIBC’s Kendall and Casey.

Hill is of the opinion that masks don’t provide protection from COVID-19, so it is silly to force people to wear them.

“The problem that we have is that we are witnessing a federal government that lied to us about masks along with their use and effectiveness so we have lost the trust of our institutions,” said Hill.

Back in 2020, when Hill was the Indiana Attorney General, he wrote a letter calling for a special legislative session to address Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb’s executive orders for the pandemic at the time. Holcomb had discussed the possibility of charging someone with a crime if they weren’t following the mask mandate. Holcomb later said that it was merely a suggestion.

“In a republican form of government, we do not govern by executive decree,” said Hill in the letter. “We govern by legislation, enforcement, and adjudication carried out by separately elected (and appointed) officials. The Indiana Constitution so divides government functions to prevent the concentration of power and to facilitate public debate.”

Hill is running against three other people in the Republican primary for Indiana Governor. Those are the following:

-Brad Chambers, former Indiana Secretary of Commerce

-Suzanne Crouch, Lieutenant Governor of Indiana (2017–present) and former Indiana State Auditor (2014–2017)

-Eric Doden, former president of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation

The Democratic candidates for Governor are the following:

-Bob Kern, perennial candidate

-Jennifer McCormick, former Republican Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction (2017–2021)

Donald Rainwater is running for Governor as a Libertarian candidate. He is a software engineer, U.S. Navy veteran, and was a nominee for governor in 2020.

You can listen to the full interview below.