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Hoosier Les Patterson is a Facebook friend, and on March 19th, he posted that it was suspected by his doctor that he may have contracted the Coronavirus.   He was on day 3 of a 14 day quarantine.  From that day forward, he began sharing what he was experiencing.  From the coughing, the fever and trouble sleeping in the beginning, to being hospitalized for 5 days, then coming home to recuperate.

On Day 28  (April 10th) in isolation, Les wrote “just because you become infected, you don’t necessarily die!  Stop living in fear! Although this is a very serious virus, and you should absolutely practice social distancing and isolate yourself if you’re sick…that doesn’t mean give up and stop fighting!  Yes, this is hard.  Yes, it hurts.  Yes, it will take time to recover.  Have faith in your inner spirit and inner strength“.

Les was kind enough to spend some time with me on the First Day once he felt a little stronger to share what life is like battling Covid-19.   He’s also grateful for the City of Lawrence EMT , and the hospital staff and nurses at IU Saxony Hospital!