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Have you ever come home from a long day at work, kicked your shoes off, popped open a beer and settled into your favorite easy chair to unwind? Yeah? Well, you’re doing it all wrong. It turns out you should be doing your drinking in the shower (clothing and inclusion of female companion optional).

Multiple studies have shown that showers help people think, relax, and maximize their creativity, but it turns out you actually increase those benefits by adding a cold beer to the experience. Seriously!

“The shower beer is actually a great way to improve productivity and creativity,” Dr. Christopher Hollingsworth of NYC Surgical Associates, told Fatherly. “Showers are a great way to release dopamine, and adding one drink to that can assist your creative juices due to your relaxed mindset.”

See? Doctor-approved. 

Check out the following clip from the Hammer and Nigel show for more medical recommendations on bathroom intoxication in today’s edition of “Booze News.”