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A Catholic couple in Indiana is asking the Supreme Court to hold the state accountable for keeping their child out of their home after they declined to use his chosen name and pronouns. He was then placed in a home that affirmed his gender identity.

In M.C. and J.C. v. Indiana Department of Child Services, Mary and Jeremy Cox are appealing to the Supreme Court after they were investigated by Indiana officials for refusing to refer to their son using pronouns and a name inconsistent with his biological sex.

Mary and Jeremy Cox:

We did not pursue an affirmational approach because of our Christian beliefs.

In addition to gender dysphoria, the Coxes believed their son was struggling with other underlying mental health conditions, including an eating disorder, so they sought therapeutic care for both.

Becket Law is pursuing the case on behalf of the Coxes, arguing state courts allowed Indiana to keep the child from living in his parents’ home due to their disagreement with the child’s gender identity because of their religious beliefs. Notably, upon completing the investigation, the state determined the allegations of abuse against Mary and Jeremy were unsubstantiated … but still argued that the disagreement over gender identity was distressing to their child.

The attorney representing the parents, Lori Windhamn said:

If this can happen in Indiana, it can happen anywhere. Tearing a child away from loving parents because of their religious beliefs, which are shared by millions of Americans, is an outrage to the law, parental rights, and basic human decency. If the Supreme Court doesn’t take this case, how many times will this happen to other families?


Ethan Hatcher:

If the Supreme Court doesn’t take this case, how many times will this happen to other families?

Tony Kinnett from the “Tony Kinnett Cast”, weeknights on WIBC at 7p, joined the show to discuss. He’s skeptical about the premise of this story.

The issue I had with this story is that it was a little too convenient for the narrative. “Well, so the entire Indiana DCS just intervened because these parents wouldn’t call the kid by his pronouns?

It sounded too politically oriented to be true… What I am saying is that I have been told multiple things from trusted sources in various positions… The Attorney General’s office made it very clear to me that Fox News prematurely reported that story.


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