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HSE administration building.


FISHERS, Ind. — The fallout continues in Fishers after the resignation of the Hamilton Southeastern school district’s superintendent.

Dr. Yvonne Stokes turned in her resignation on Wednesday to a special meeting of the HSE school board. The board accepted the resignation and has now started a search for a new superintendent. In the meantime, Dr. Matt Kegley has been named interim superintendent.

Many educators within the district, as well as parents, are outraged with the move saying that Stokes was forced to resign.

“(Teachers) are fearful of the policies and procedures this school board has clearly come in with a pre-planned agenda to do and they don’t have a voice in this matter. They have silenced the teachers, they don’t care what the teachers have to say,” said Stephanie Hunt.

Some even called the board “racists” after the meeting.

The school board that accepted Stokes’ resignation is not the same board that hired her. Four of the current board members were recently elected. Members have had contentious discussions in the last year over the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in schools.

The current school board has agreed to pay her full salary along with benefits through July of next year when the contract expires.

Both Stokes and the school board are legally bound from saying exactly why Stokes is resigning. It’s part of the agreement between the two as Stokes tendered her resignation.

“This was her request and we are honoring her request,” said HSE School Board President Dawn Lang. “She chose to resign and we are moving forward with her legal requests and our obligation as a school district to make sure we are setting out our school district for success going forward.”