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If you’ve ever looked at a robot at Radio Shack and thought, “Mmmm… Gotta get me some of that,” you’re not alone. You’re a sick individual who needs extensive counseling by a qualified professional, but you’re not alone.

How do we know?

A survey conducted by SexualAlpha, which is almost as good as Gallup, found two in five people would prefer to have sex with a robot over an actual person.

SexualAlpha proudly boasts that the survey “shows interesting trends on how people’s attitude is changing against sex robots and new technology.”

Nearly half of couples surveyed, 41.9 percent, said they would “strongly agree” to including a sexbot in a threesome if the opportunity came up.

So pull that vintage “2-XL” robot or “Teddy Ruxpin” you loved as a kid out from your parents’ attic, sicko! You’ll love him for a whole new reason as an adult.

And as a special bonus, here’s a little something to get your motor humming, you sick bas*ard:

Rob Kendall reveals his robotic sexual preferences in the clip below.