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Alyssa Ruklic and Ryan Kerns

Source: Courtesy of Alyssa Ruklic’s X / other

SPEEDWAY, Ind. — You may have seen the posts going viral on social media of a woman who lost a special pendant from her necklace at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway during GP weekend.

Alyssa Ruklic, a native of Indiana who now lives in Chicago, was in town or the Sonsio Grand Prix last weekend and says she is a huge racing fan and has been since she was a kid. It was during her youth that her grandparents gave her a pendant shaped like an IndyCar.

“I was extremely close with my grandparents,” Ruklic told Query and Company on 93.5 and 107.5 The Fan. “My grandpa passed in 2013, my gram in 2022. I had lived with them for two years to help take care of my grandpa. I don’t remember when exactly they gave me the pendant, it was between 10 and 13 years old. I’m 43 now.”

Ruklic said it wasn’t until she had gotten back home that she realized the pendant was missing from her necklace.

“I went to put it on on Sunday. I have one box of jewelry that’s less important and a little box where I keep jewelry that’s more important, and it wasn’t there,” she said. “So then I, of course, go through my pockets. I went through my backpack maybe 20 or 30 times. I couldn’t find it.”

She then began retracing her steps. She used the camera roll on her phone to try and narrow it down.

Ruklic said she was with some friends having some lunch close to a concession stand with picnic tables the day of the GP. Earlier in the day she had taken selfie with the pendent still visible. But then she noticed the pendant was gone by the time she had taken another selfie as they sat down to eat.

She put out a plea on social media for people to look out for the pendent and the post went viral, shared by hundreds of people including Indianapolis Motor Speedway president Doug Boles.

A week later, Ruklic got a random message on social media from a man named Ryan Kerns.

“A guy named Ryan, he messaged me and he had found it yesterday (Wednesday) under the table that we ended up sitting where he had gotten our food to eat at.”

They arranged to meet up and Ruklic was reunited with her missing pendant which means so much to her. She said she is grateful for Ryan and that things worked out to have her pendant returned. She said she plans to invest in a better chain to ensure she never has to part with it again!

Listen to Alyssa’s interview with Jake Query and Jimmy Cook on “Query and Company” on 93.5 and 107.5 The Fan: