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WASHINGTON — Sen. Mike Braun has returned to Washington after spending a few days over the weekend in Mission, Texas, where he took a look at one of the places along the southern border where hundreds of illegal immigrant children and some adults are being held.

Braun again accused President Biden of throwing out a system at the border put in place by the Trump White House in order to control the flow of illegal migration.

“The squalor, the lack of humanity was shocking,” said Braun on Fox News. “Going down to the Rio Grande, being heckled by the coyotes and smugglers at the border patrol folks, I asked what they were saying. They were saying ‘whatever you do we’re going to keep coming’.”

Coyotes are the term used for people from Mexico, as well as Central and South America that are paid to smuggle people across the southern border illegally. Sometimes they are smuggling people as part of a human trafficking system

Braun said these smugglers are taking advantage of the new policies at the border put in place by President Biden.

Braun again blamed the Biden Administration for what many are calling a “crisis” at the border, which is a term the White House has avoided using to describe the situation at the border. He said he had a first-hand experience with a lack of transparency on the situation from the Biden Administration.

“A lady from the Biden Administration came to me first. I had taken a few pictures,” he said. “She caught me snapping one and she made me delete that picture. But, of course, as I was doing that, others were taking pictures and she could tell that wasn’t going to work.”

Last week, President Biden said he would not consider any moves to roll back his policies at the border.