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Alright, before we embark on this fabulous journey into the fascinating world of network journalism we need to establish some ground rules:

  1. DO NOT CALL CNN FAKE NEWS. CNN hates being called fake news. They are not fake news and in no way whatsoever do they EVER engage in fake news, the curation and distribution of fake news, nor the creatively fullfiling practice of designing their own handsomely crafted fake news.
  2. CNN is totally fake news.

KUSI, a TV station in San Diego, claims CNN withdrew an earlier request for their reporters to provide local coverage on the border after it learned the station had previously aired reports indicating a wall would be effective.

KUSI claims it directed CNN toward Dan Plante, one of its journalists who has covered the topic of a border wall extensively in the past, when the initial request was made. The network added it thought Plante best suited for the job, as one of its stories had been published on and retweeted by former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

However, the offer was allegedly turned down by CNN after KUSI informed the news channel that the Border Patrol Agents it had interviewed had highlighted the wall was effective in preventing illegal migrants from entering the U.S.

CNN issued the following statement in response to criticism and public outrage: “CNN provide fair, balanced and legitimate news coverage of the most crucially-important political issue in America today? Nonsense poopy pants!”

The Chicks on the Right have more in the following clip: