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The Toilet

Source: Donnie Burgess / WIBC

INDIANAPOLIS — You know all about Black Friday, but there’s another holiday event that you may not be prepared for, and it’s right around the corner. It’s Brown Friday.

Brown Friday is exactly what you think it is – one of the busiest days for plumbers across the country. Thanksgiving may be fun for you and the family, but there’s a severe strain placed on plumbing systems and pipes and cities across the United States. released its list of the cities that go through the worst on Brown Friday, and Indianapolis ranks fourth on the list.

Per Yelp: “With the holiday season upon us, nothing can bring a celebration to a halt like an embarrassing plumbing emergency. Whether it’s a clogged toilet, leaky pipe, or an overflowing dishwasher, the day after Thanksgiving – known as “Brown Friday” – is one of the busiest days of the year for plumbers on Yelp.”

These are the top five cities that have the most plumber requests this time of year:

1. Portland, Oregon

2. Virginia Beach, Virginia

3. Raleigh, North Carolina

4. Indianapolis, Indiana

5. Jacksonville, Florida

Indianapolis plumber requests have gone through a 21-percent increase, according to data gathered by the website.

With that being said, there are some tips you can use to best avoid a clogged holiday. says you should focus on the kitchen because many people neglect the pipes and utilities in that area and focus on the restroom. Another good thing to remember not everything can be, or should be, flushed down the toilet.

Many clogging issues come from the improper disposal of certain foods or even paper towels.

Two more things you may not think about: using too much water and being weather-aware. Yelp says straining pipes and faucets in multiple rooms put too much pressure on plumbing systems.

Weather is also an issue, especially if temperatures drop. That could lead to frozen pipes, which means whatever is going down the drain may just stay there.