Abdul At Large

A couple of years ago I thought about applying for an adjunct faculty position at Indiana Wesleyan University. I thought it would be fun to teach in a new environment. I met all of their academic qualifications. However, when I read the “fine print,” some alarm bells went off that said the two of us […]

A new poll of the U.S. Senate race gives Democrat Joe Donnelly a 12-point lead over Republican Mike Braun, but it changes depending on whether e votes to confirm Brett Cavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court. The poll of more than 1,400 likely voters, conducted by The Trafalgar Group, gives Donnelly a lead of 50.8 to 38.6 […]

In the wake of a recent shooting that left three people dead on the near northwest side, several Indianapolis churches say they are stepping up their efforts to deal with the violence. Three people were killed this week following a jazz concert near 30th and MLK Dr. The pastors and law enforcement say those involved […]

Former Indianapolis City-County Council President Stephen Clay has been missing, so to speak. Since resigning his position as Council President back in February, a check of attendance records shows Clay has missed nearly half the Council meetings. He has missed 43 percent of the meetings since the end of February. To put that in perspective, he’s missed […]

With U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly slated to speak with U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh this week, I had a chance to sit down and talk with University of Louisville law professor Justin Walker who clerked for Kavanaugh, as well as his predecessor, retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, to get some insight into the nominee’s judicial philosophy as well as […]

It looks like Marion County governments will have more property tax dollars available for their upcoming budgets, but when it comes to local income taxes, Indianapolis may not get as much revenue as it initially thought. Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett is expected to unveil his budget Monday night. According to the Indiana Department of Revenue, the […]

Although we were in Illinois most of the week playing “Lincoln Lawyer,” we still kept tabs on the political news that went on here in Indiana.  Here are some observations and other items regarding the big items of the week. *************** Although he might have been legally right, the consensus is that he was politically […]

Morning Consult has put out new approval numbers for U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly. The Democrat’s approval ratings for July were 41 percent while his disapproval rating is 35 percent.  Thirty percent think he deserves re-election while 44 percent say no.   A breakdown of Donnelly’s approval ratings for the year is below. June 2018  – Approval/Disapproval  41-34 Re-Elect/Not […]

I’ve been in Illinois the last few days taking care of some legal stuff, but I’ve still been keeping an eye on Indiana Politics, so here is my assessment of a couple big news items this week. Click Here for My You Tube Clip Photo: Abdul

Despite a recent defeat in Marion County Court, advocates for the First Church of Cannabis are taking a second bite at the apple over legal marijuana, in part because of President Donald Trump. In a motion filed yesterday, attorney Mark Small argued the marijuana is legal in Indiana under the federal “Right to Try” Act. […]