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Atlanta, Georgia - June 27: Former president Donald Trump and

Source: The Washington Post / Getty

ATLANTA — The first presidential debate of 2024 was arguably unlike anything the nation has seen before.

President Biden stumbled many times during the night, which reportedly is sparking concerns among Democrats over his age and ability to take on Donald Trump in November.

Meanwhile, Trump seemed to try and deflect his actions during the attack on the U.S. Capitol, ignored some questions, and dismissed accusations that he had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels.

Both candidates hurled personal insults at one another and accused each other of being the “worst president” in U.S. history. The debate even devolved into jabs over age and a challenge to a golf match.

Biden was asked about being 81-years-old and also being the oldest president ever if he wins re-election. Biden said Trump is only a few years younger than him, “but a lot less competent.” Trump who is 78, claimed he took two cognitive tests adding that he’s “very good shape.” The two candidates also sparred over who is better at golf. Trump challenged Biden to a golf match, which Biden agreed to on the condition Trump “carry [his] own bag.”

Former President Trump says Russia never would have invaded Ukraine had he been in charge. Trump called Biden weak, adding Putin saw America’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and then decided to invade, not fearing America. He claimed he could end the war in his first days in office if he wins. President Biden said he managed to rally dozens of countries against Putin and warned Russia will keep invading other countries if they are not stopped. He said Trump would dismantle NATO if he wins re-election.

The two clashed over abortion as well. Trump took credit for the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe v. Wade, arguing the issue should be left up to the states. He said he believes in exceptions for abortion for rape and incest. Biden slammed Trump for the Roe decision and claimed the former president would sign a national abortion ban into law if he’s elected to the White House in November.

Near the end of the debate, Biden called Trump a “sucker” and a “loser”. Biden referenced remarks Trump allegedly made about dead American soldiers. He was referring to Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, who says Trump called dead military members “suckers” back in 2018. Trump denied the accusation and said it was made up and demanded Biden apologize.

The overall response from Democrats to the debate was not a favorable one for President Biden. Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki says Thursday’s debate was “not a good night for President Biden.”

Psaki said the president’s performance was not what the campaign “needed or wanted.” She added that the campaign needs to answer the ongoing “chatter” over whether Biden needs to be replaced.