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The Speedway Murders

Source: The Speedway Murders / other

In 1978, four teenagers disappeared while working the graveyard shift at their local Burger Chef in Speedway, IN. Later, their bodies were discovered in a wooded area 30 miles away.

These murders would come to be known as The Burger Chef Murders and to this day, the case remains unsolved.

Australian filmmakers Luke Rynderman and Adam Kamien join Kendall & Casey to discuss their new true crime docu-drama “The Speedway Murders” which takes a dive into this case that goes down in Indiana’s history as one of the state’s most famous murder mysteries. Employing reenactments to explore four divergent theories, the film leads the audience through the intricacies of that grisly night, challenging assumptions, casting doubt on the innocence of various characters and weaving an intricate web of intrigue.

You can listen to the full interview here: