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Amber Morgan Death

Source: Ryan Hedrick / WIBC Radio

INDIANAPOLIS — Amber Morgan, a kindergarten teacher at Victory College Prep, a graduate student at Marian University, and the mother of a five-week-old daughter named Audri, was murdered by her husband on June 1.

Morgan’s family knew her marriage was going through tough times and that she was trying to leave Robert Cooley to escape an escalating pattern of violence that ultimately led to her death.

On Friday, Morgan’s friends and family gathered at Marian University’s Allen Whitehall Clowes Amphitheatre for a vigil to remember her and share stories of her impact on their lives. Her murder highlights the all-too-common issue of domestic violence in Indianapolis and Marion County.

Amber Morgan Death

Source: Submitted Photo /

“From my understanding, Amber was doing everything she should have been doing,” said Kelly McBride, Domestic Violence Network. “She was reaching out, asking for help, asking how to get a divorce, asking how to obtain the resources, and unfortunately, he took her life before she got the chance to do that.”

McBride urges anyone dealing with domestic violence to get help right away by contacting the police or a domestic violence shelter. She added that if there’s already abuse in the relationship, having a baby can make the situation worse, often leading to more frequent and severe abuse.

“Talk to a family member if you don’t want to do that,” she said. “Safety planning is key when you’re exiting a domestic violence relationship.”

Morgan’s stepfather, Matthew Officer, says the family is heartbroken and grieving, but they have a lot of support and love to help them get through this tough time.

“Amber had the heart of a champion,” he said. “Amber was love personified. She would go above and beyond any and everything expected of her. Amber was an incredible friend to her friends, schoolmates, and teammates, as well as to her brothers and sister. She was hugely supportive and just a beautiful person.”

Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears says Cooley has already had his initial hearing. Cooley is charged with murder, has a pretrial conference coming up, and has been appointed an attorney. Mears added that his office intends to move forward with the case. Cooley is being held without bond.

If you’re experiencing domestic violence, reach out to the Domestic Violence Network at (317) 872-1086 for support or dial 911 for immediate assistance.

The family made a website named Amber and Audri to remember Morgan and provide information about domestic violence.