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Are you having trouble connecting with your child? If so, why not bond over an enjoyable viewing of hardcore pornography? That’s what actress and mom-of-the-year, Ali Wentworth does!

Yes, despite all logic, common sense, and scientific evidence to the contrary, Wentworth is a passionate proponent of mixing a little kinky porn into your child’s daily viewings of Sesame Street.

“In porn, women have been conditioned to look and act a certain way,” Wentworth, told celebrity has-been Debra Messing and Mandana Dayani on a recent episode of “The Dissenters” podcast.

“You can’t stop them, so I would watch it with them,” Wentworth advised. “I would look at the porn with them that one time, like, ‘They’re performing.’”

Wentworth also said she tries to sneak in lessons with her daughters when they’re scrolling through social media. “I say,  ‘Do you see this girl? There is a hole she is trying to fill.'”

Editor’s Note: She said… Nevermind.

Step aside, Mr. Rogers! John Holmes is American elementary school kids’ new role model!

“Hell-o-o-o, neighbor!”

The Chicks on the Right do NOT advocate watching porn with your children. They DO, however, advocate for you clicking the link below.