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WASHINGTON — With scientists still working to understand how the coronavirus works, testing supplies for the virus are limited. Vice-President Mike Pence said in a press event at the White House Sunday that you should get tested if you think you have the coronavirus.

“If for any reason you think you might have the coronavirus we urge people to consult with their doctor,” Pence said. “But, if you are symptom-free we encourage you to work with to make sure testing is available for those who are experiencing symptoms.”

In the last week, 121 Hoosiers have been tested for the virus. 19 of those people tested have tested positive. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1,629 people have been infected with the virus, 41 of which have died. The most cases have been reported in Washington state.

Pence, who is leading the country’s response to the virus, said though testing is limited it is free to every American, with or without insurance.