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A teaching assistant at the University of Utah has been removed from the classroom after she accused gun-carrying students of engaging in “absurd, antisocial, and frightening behavior” and attempted to segregate them into a “Second Amendment Zone.”

The university said Tuesday that the unidentified instructor “will not teach this semester and will instead have other assignments” after she was found to have violated both state law and university policy regarding concealed carry, which has been allowed on campus since 2006.

WIBC host Tony Katz broke down the greater narrative at play in the current political climate:

“Remember when we discuss the idea that there is a strong push to do away with the Second Amendment. This isn’t just some kind of talking point. We bring more and more facts. This is meant to ostracize; this is meant to shame; this is meant to punish – of course it is. 

But more importantly, that a firearm is absurd, or anti-social, or frightening? This is our biggest problem. This is what Mom’s Demand Action pushes.”

Click the link below to hear Tony’s full commentary: