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On Sunday’s edition of ‘Meet the Press,’ NBC’s Chuck Todd said he believes the American public is right not to trust the mainstream media; however, but not for the reason that most conservatives claim to distrust the press.

“The conservative echo chamber created that environment… It has been a tactic and a tool of the Roger Ailes created echo chamber,” said Todd.

WIBC host Tony Katz criticized Todd’s comments as ‘ignorant.’


“To be willfully ignorant is an awful, awful thing – Absolutely terrible. Valueless, if I can be so bold. Absolutely, positively valueless, and that’s where the mainstream media has gone in not recognizing their own culpability… Not recognizing their own culpability in what’s happened to media today… into what’s happened with the mistrust of media today.

…What a failure of Chuck Todd’s own inabilities. If you are unwilling to recognize media’s culpability in the lack of trust in media, you’re not a serious man.”

Click the link below to hear Tony’s full commentary in today’s Popcorn Moment: