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Sorry Democrats, Kanye West doesn’t appear to be backing down in the face of your taunts, abhorrent stereotypes and labels, name-calling, and vicious remarks about his previous mental health struggles after all. That’s right; Ye is well aware of the vile, racist, and increasingly shameful hate being directed towards him on social media and by alleged “news” networks like CNN, and he has zero F@#${ec4469d41b0b7bdea208b8171ec4991583ff3a026010edcbf3170c07ae1b643f} to give. 

The extremely high-profile and outspoken Trump supporter paid a visit to the White House today, and if Democrats were hoping that West would publicly temper his enthusiasm for the President who currently presides over the lowest unemployment rate for African-Americans in recorded history, they were sorely disappointed.  

Here’s how USA Today painted Kanye’s visit to the Oval Office:

“Beforehand, West held court in Trump’s office for 10 minutes, leaping between topics such as why he loves Make America Great Again hats (they make him “feel like Superman”) and why Trump should fly in the “iPlane 1,” a hydrogen-powered plane he wants to develop with Apple.

West did get around to a topic he came to discuss — gun violence in Chicago — claiming that the problem is ‘not legal guns. We have the right to bear arms.’ (The NRA loved that part.) The self-described ‘genius’ also unwittingly revealed his iPhone’s security code on camera (it’s 000000) and called on Ford to make the ‘dopest cars.’”

CNN was just as shamefully biased, pathetic and demeaning in their coverage of Kanye’s visit in their article: “Kanye West is no victim; he’s a fully-grown, ignorant man-child”

Kanye West is most certainly not the first high-profile celebrity to publicly support Donald Trump, so how has he managed to become such a hated and controversial figure of late in American politics?

Are the constant insults, vitriol, and shameful attacks on Kanye’s mental health simply due to the fact that he is a mainstream entertainer who dares to support a Republican President, or did he morph into public enemy number one for deranged leftists – seemingly overnight – via a politically lethal unification of a massive following combined with the color of his skin?

Every American voter in his or her heart – particularly the liberal voter – knows the disgraceful answer.

In the world of the morally bankrupt, blatantly racist, hate-filled Democrats, Kanye West has lost his highly coveted celebrity status and become “a token negro,” a “mentally-unstable” moron who “doesn’t read,” but more importantly, a powerfully influential force to be reckoned with.

Kanye West is the greatest threat to the Democrats’ decades-long stronghold on the minority voter, and the left is utterly petrified. Their fears are well founded; they’re right to be terrified.