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WIBC host Tony Katz got a chance to speak with former Indiana Governor and Senator Evan Bayh, Tuesday. As someone who has won and lost several elections, Senator Bayh was able to offer unique insight into what it’s like on Election Day for most candidates. 

On Mike Braun and Joe Donnelly’s State of Mind Going into Election Day:

“My guess is that they’re both tired – physically and emotionally, because it’s been a long road for both men. These campaigns tend to be pretty rough these days, unfortunately, and that takes a toll on the candidates and their families. So I imagine they’re looking forward to it being over one way or the other. 

I’m sure they’re both hoping to win, and indeed, it looks like it’s going to be very close. And I think the other thing, Tony, that’s probably going through their minds is, ‘You know, I gave it my best shot. I left everything on the field. I did everything I possibly could.’ 

And now it’s in the hands of the voters and in God’s hands. My guess is that they’ll both rest easy regardless of the outcome.”

On Trump’s Impact On Election Outcomes:

“Certainly the President is not on the ballot alone, but historically, it’s not uncommon that the mid-term elections do involve the voters’ perception of the job performance of the President.

…But there are other factors, always. The economy is strong right now, so I’m sure some people will vote on the basis of that. Healthcare and covering people with pre-existing conditions will motivate some voters. But the President himself has said that he thinks he’s on the ballot. He moderated that a little today, but it’s not unique to President Trump. The performance of the President has a significant impact on these mid-term elections.”

On Both Candidates Trying to Tie Themselves to Trump in Mid-Term Election:

“I think their strategies are probably unique to this particular election, but President Donald Trump carried the state of Indiana by 19 points; that’s a landslide. And while I’m not privy to the current public opinion polling, I think he still is fairly popular in Indiana.” 

Click the link below to hear Tony’s full interview with Senator Evan Bayh: