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Okay, the McStupid is completely out of control now.

Misguided and demented lawmakers in Michigan want fast-food companies to stop offering gendered toys with kids’ meals.

On Wednesday, Michigan House Democrat Leslie Love and 14 Democratic colleagues introduced House Resolution No. 429, which is meant to “urge food establishments and franchisees in Michigan to stop gender classification of toys offered in its kids’ meals.” 

How does an idea this insane, misguided and bizarre make its way to full blown legislation? Liberal “do-goodery,” of course!

In California, meanwhile, legislators have passed a law requiring kid’s meals to offer as “the default beverage water, sparkling water, or flavored water, as specified, or unflavored milk or a nondairy milk alternative, as specified. The bill would not prohibit a restaurant’s ability to sell, or a customer’s ability to purchase, an alternative beverage if the purchaser requests one.”

God help us all…

WIBC host Tony Katz destroy’s the left’s argument for gender-neutral Happy Meal toys in the following clip: