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It’s Spring Break season across the country, which means it’s time for grandparents to be on high alert for scams.

Henry Davis steps in for Terri Stacy to discuss “Grandparent scams” with Director of Chief Counsel of Consumer Protection Betsy DeNardi.

“An individual will call someone who is, usually, a grandparent.” DeNardi says. “They try and do some research, and they impersonate your grandchild.”

She says these scammers will often pose as a grandchild who has fallen under a random circumstance of bad luck, with hopes that the unsuspecting grandparent will send money to help. 

If you’ve fallen victim to a grandparent scam, contact the Consumer Protection Division at or call 1-800-382-5516.

Listen to the full interview, below, to learn more about the scams, like what to look for and ways to prevent it from happening to you or a loved one.